Unlock Success with Our Tailored SAP Talent Solution

Drive Success in Your SAP Projects with Skilled Professionals

in the Following SAP Domains:


  • SAP Fiori

  • SAP UI5

  • SAP SuccessFactors


  • SAP Ariba

Let's discuss your specific talent needs and design a tailored hiring solution that unlocks the full potential of your SAP initiatives.

Trusted by enterprises across the globe

Unlock Success with Our Tailored SAP Talent Solution

Drive Success in Your SAP Projects

with Skilled Professionals in the

Following SAP Domains:


  • SAP Fiori

  • SAP UI5

  • SAP SuccessFactors


  • SAP Ariba

Let's discuss your specific talent needs and design a tailored hiring solution that unlocks the full potential of your SAP initiatives.

Trusted by enterprises across the globe

Key benefits of our HTD staffing solution

Key benefits of our HTD staffing solution

Rapid Deployment

Get SAP talent up and running in just 60 days or less.

Specialized Expertise

We focus only on specialised SAP modules such as ABAP, Fiori, UI5, SuccessFactors, Brim, and Ariba.

Zero Cost

No fees or financial burden for our services.

Fresh Talent

Source and mould new talent from the job market.

Trusted Partner

Licensed SAP partner with recognized training excellence.

Win-Win Solution

Benefit from talent while they secure jobs in top SAP companies like yours!

Rapid Deployment

Get SAP talent up and running in just 60 days. or less

Specialized Expertise

We focus only on specialised SAP modules such as ABAP, Fiori, UI5, SuccessFactors, Brim, and Ariba.

Zero Cost

No fees or financial burden for our services.

Fresh Talent

Source and mold new talent from the job market.

Trusted Partner

Licensed SAP partner with recognized training excellence.

Win-Win Solution

Benefit from talent while they secure jobs in top SAP companies like yours!


A Personal Message from our Managing Director

Dear Future Success Partner,

I am delighted to introduce EME, your trusted solution for hiring, training, and deploying SAP talent. As the managing director, it is my pleasure to share with you the remarkable advantages our 'hire-train-deploy' model brings to your organization.

In today's fast-paced business landscape, having the right talent is crucial, especially in the specialized SAP domains that drive your organization's success.

At EME, we understand the challenges you face in finding skilled professionals who can excel in these niche SAP modules. That's why we've assembled a team of exceptional recruiters, trainers, and deployment specialists dedicated to sourcing and delivering top-tier talent tailored to your unique requirements.

We take immense pride in our rigorous selection process, ensuring that only the most qualified candidates make it through our doors. But our commitment doesn't stop there. We go above and beyond by providing comprehensive training and certification in these specialized areas, equipping our candidates with the precise skills needed to seamlessly integrate into your organization.

Partnering with EME comes with several key advantages. Our rapid deployment ensures that you can have the right talent on board within 60 days or less. Plus, our unique zero cost benefits mean you can access the top SAP professionals you need without worrying about upfront expenses.

As a trusted partner with SAP, EME has a proven track record of delivering exceptional results. Our expertise and industry knowledge make us the ideal choice to help you build a remarkable SAP workforce that drives tangible business outcomes.

I invite you to schedule a consultation with our team to discuss your specific talent requirements. Let's explore how EME can become your trusted partner in building a remarkable SAP workforce, one that propels your organization to new heights of success.

Best regards,

Sahad A.K.

Managing Director, EME Global

Ex-Wipro, SAP Netweaver Architect

Our Process

A Proven Methodology for Success

At EME, we follow a proven methodology to ensure success at every step of the Hire-Train-Deploy model. Our meticulous approach guarantees that your organization receives the right SAP talent equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge. Here's an overview of our comprehensive process:

Step 1.

Requirement from the Company

We begin by understanding your specific hiring needs and requirements. Through detailed discussions, we gain a comprehensive understanding of the skills, experience, and expertise your organization seeks in SAP professionals.

Requirement from the Company
Shortlisting from the Candidate Pool

Step 2.

Shortlisting from the Candidate Pool

Leveraging our extensive talent pool, we carefully screen and shortlist candidates who match your requirements. Our rigorous selection process ensures that only the most promising candidates proceed to the next stage.

Step 3.

First Round Interview and Unconditional Offer Letter

Selected candidates undergo a thorough first round interview to assess their suitability. Upon successfully clearing this stage, an unconditional offer letter is extended, confirming their selection for further evaluation.

Unconditional Offer Letter
Shortlisting the Candidates

Step 4.

Shortlisting the Candidates

Based on the first round interviews, we further shortlist the candidates who demonstrate the desired potential and alignment with your organization's goals.

Step 5.

Training on the Customized Syllabus as per Company Requirement

The shortlisted candidates undergo intensive training on a customized syllabus tailored to match your company's specific requirements. Our experienced trainers ensure that candidates gain the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their roles.

Training on the Customized Syllabus
Second Round Interview

Step 6.

Second Round Interview - Technical and HR

Candidates undergo a comprehensive second round interview, evaluating their technical expertise and cultural fit within your organization. This step ensures that the candidates possess the necessary qualifications and can seamlessly integrate into your team.

Step 7.

Certification in Respective Module if Required

If necessary, candidates receive certifications in their respective SAP modules. This certification adds further credibility to their qualifications and enhances their readiness for deployment.

Certification in Respective Module
Offer Letter

Step 8.

Offer Letter Issued

Candidates who successfully clear all stages of the evaluation process receive an official offer letter, confirming their selection and providing details regarding their deployment.

Step 9.

Onboarding Process

We facilitate a smooth onboarding process, ensuring a seamless transition for the selected candidates into your organization. Our team supports both the candidate and your organization throughout this crucial phase.


Our Proven Process for Success

At EME, we follow a proven methodology to ensure success at every step of the Hire-Train-Deploy model. Our meticulous approach guarantees that your organization receives the right SAP talent equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge. Here's an overview of our comprehensive process:

Step 1.

Requirement from the Company

We begin by understanding your specific hiring needs and requirements. Through detailed discussions, we gain a comprehensive understanding of the skills, experience, and expertise your organization seeks in SAP professionals.

Requirement from the Company

Step 2.

Shortlisting from the Candidate Pool

Leveraging our extensive talent pool, we carefully screen and shortlist candidates who match your requirements. Our rigorous selection process ensures that only the most promising candidates proceed to the next stage.

Shortlisting from the Candidate Pool

Step 3.

First Round Interview and

Unconditional Offer Letter

Selected candidates undergo a thorough first round interview to assess their suitability. Upon successfully clearing this stage, an unconditional offer letter is extended, confirming their selection for further evaluation.

Unconditional Offer Letter

Step 4.

Shortlisting the Candidates

Based on the first round interviews, we further shortlist the candidates who demonstrate the desired potential and alignment with your organization's goals.

Shortlisting the Candidates

Step 5.

Training on the Customized Syllabus

as per Company Requirement

The shortlisted candidates undergo intensive training on a customized syllabus tailored to match your company's specific requirements. Our experienced trainers ensure that candidates gain the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their roles.

Training on the Customized Syllabus

Step 6.

Second Round Interview - Technical and HR

Candidates undergo a comprehensive second round interview, evaluating their technical expertise and cultural fit within your organization. This step ensures that the candidates possess the necessary qualifications and can seamlessly integrate into your team.

Second Round Interview

Step 7.

Certification in Respective Module if Required

If necessary, candidates receive certifications in their respective SAP modules. This certification adds further credibility to their qualifications and enhances their readiness for deployment.

Certification in Respective Module

Step 8.

Offer Letter Issued

Candidates who successfully clear all stages of the evaluation process receive an official offer letter, confirming their selection and providing details regarding their deployment.

Offer Letter

Step 9.

Onboarding Process

We facilitate a smooth onboarding process, ensuring a seamless transition for the selected candidates into your organization. Our team supports both the candidate and your organization throughout this crucial phase.


Our Expertise - Niche SAP Specialization

When it comes to SAP, we've got you covered. At EME, we specialize in the niche areas that matter most to your business. Our focus is exclusively on SAP ABAP, Fiori, UI5, SuccessFactors, Brim, and Ariba. Why? Because we believe in doing one thing and doing it exceptionally well. This focused expertise allows us to understand the intricacies of these critical SAP modules and provide you with the specialized talent you need.

What does this mean for you? It means tapping into a pool of candidates who possess the specific skills and knowledge required to excel in your organization. Our team goes the extra mile to identify professionals who are not only proficient in these modules but also understand the unique challenges and opportunities they present. We're here to bridge the gap between your SAP initiatives and the expertise needed to make them successful.

Experience the power of our specialized knowledge and let us drive your SAP initiatives forward. When you partner with EME, you gain access to a team that truly understands your needs and can provide tailored solutions. From finding the perfect candidate to delivering exceptional results, our niche SAP specialization sets us apart. Get ready to unlock the full potential of your SAP investments with EME.

Get Started Today!

Ready to take the next step in enhancing your SAP workforce? Schedule a free consultation with our experts today. During this consultation, we will dive deeper into your organization's requirements, discuss your goals, and present tailored solutions that meet your unique needs. Don't miss this opportunity to explore how EME can revolutionize your SAP operations.


What is the Hire, Train, and Deploy model?

Our Hire, Train, and Deploy model is a comprehensive staffing solution that provides organizations with top-quality talent. We first identify and hire skilled candidates, then provide them with industry-relevant training tailored to your organization's requirements. Finally, we deploy these trained professionals to your organization, ensuring that you have access to the talent you need to succeed.

How does EME ensure the quality of its talent pool?

EME Education ensures the quality of its talent pool by providing practical and industry-relevant programs, taught by experienced professionals who bring real-world experience to the classroom. Furthermore, our strong collaborations with industry leaders like SAP, Automation Anywhere, Tally, Microsoft, and Cambridge University reflect our commitment to delivering the best talent to our corporate partners.

What industries does EME serve?

EME serves a wide range of industries, including Information Technology, Business Process Outsourcing, Finance, and more. Our industry-relevant learning solutions and certified partnerships with top organizations enable us to provide top-quality talent across various sectors.

How can my organisation benefit from partnering with EME Education?

By partnering with EME, your organization can access a pool of top-quality talent, trained in industry-relevant skills, and ready to make an immediate impact on your projects. Our comprehensive Hire, Train, and Deploy model takes the hassle out of the staffing process, allowing you to focus on your core business operations while ensuring that you have the skilled workforce needed for success.

How does EME customise training programs to meet an organisation's specific needs?

EME works closely with your organization to understand your unique business requirements and objectives. Our team of experienced trainers and subject matter experts then tailor the training programs to align with these needs, ensuring that the candidates are equipped with the right skills and knowledge to excel in their roles within your organization.

How long does the training process take before candidates are ready for deployment?

The duration of the training process varies depending on the complexity of the job role and the specific requirements of your organisation. Generally, our training programs can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. We will work closely with you to determine an appropriate timeline that meets your project demands and ensures the candidates are well-prepared for their roles.

What kind of ongoing support does EME provide after deploying candidates?

EME is committed to the long-term success of both our clients and candidates. After deploying candidates, we provide ongoing support through regular check-ins and feedback sessions, addressing any concerns or challenges that may arise. This allows us to ensure that our candidates continue to excel in their roles and contribute to your project's success.

Can EME support hiring needs for both small and large organisations?

Yes, EME's Hire, Train, and Deploy model is designed to cater to the staffing needs of organisations of all sizes, from small businesses to large enterprises. Our flexible hiring options and scalable training programs allow us to support the varying demands of diverse organizations, ensuring that you have access to top-quality talent when you need it.

How can I learn more about EME's Hire, Train, and Deploy model and discuss my organisation's requirements?

You can learn more about our Hire, Train, and Deploy model by booking a consultation call with one of our experts. During the call, we'll discuss your organization's specific requirements and explore how our staffing solutions can best support your needs. Fill out the form below and one of our client success specialist's will call you back to discuss further.

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